4 mai lundi – le travail pour la semaine

See this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZwAU493t3s

To earn 10 points for this assignment, watch the video and « leave a comment »: What are the ingredients (in French) to make crepes?

Cette semaine, nous allons cuisiner (cook) des crèpes.   Nous allons les préparer dans ma cuinsine via Zoom à mardi!  (I’m using the recipe above !)

  1. La cuisine: ce mot a beaucoup de définitions!  (the kitchen, the type of food, the type of cooking)
  2. cuisiner (v) – to cook
  3. le cuisinier (cook, m) et la cuisinière (cook, f)   Also: cuisinière électrique (electric cooker)
  4. Also used for « to cook » – pépare

Duolinguo assignment is uploaded.  Use Clever to access (ten points).

See this for history of crepes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E31ZpTqxw0

ALSO – TV5 website has this fun exercises in Apprendre « to learn » section.  Watch this video, read the transcript and do the exercise to learn some vocabulary for food, cooking and eating –  (send me and email with your « score » to earn five points)



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