Bonjour! Les premiers jours Fr 02 et Fr 04


merci à Zach, Devante, Maddie et Eduardo, et Savannah S., aussi!!!  ET  Naidelyn et Tori Double-Veh!!    Et Svet!!!   SVP classe, continuer à chercher des chansons!!!

Bonjour et bonne santé!  For our first assignment, please upload a link in the comments to a French song that we might use « pendant des jours si foux! »  Merci!  (check out what Edwige et Laliyah posted in the comment section!)

I am setting up our Clever classroom so that we can be on the same page as TUSD.  We will be covering the Special Person questions.

I will be uploading things you can watch, worksheets you can complete and online lessons you can use. You will be required to choose two assignments per week to complete and upload, email or write out (we can work out how to pick up and grade your work later!!!)

What would you like to learn about during our time together on line? Do you have any preferences for how to work together?

Check here again tomorrow !

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